Paradoxically, this promotion meant the end of his aspirations. Pablo Escobar achieved his goal and joined congress in 1982, as an alternate for the seat of Jairo Ortega. However, the end of his political career was near. Paradoxically, this promotion meant the end of his aspirations. However, his most famous social work was the construction of the Medellín Sin Tugurios (Medellín without Slums) neighborhood, also called Pablo Escobar. Pablo Escobar’s political career started on the streets of Medellín and reached its peak when he obtained a seat in the Chamber of Representatives. Pablo Escobar, Colombian criminal who, as head of the Medellin cartel, was arguably the world’s most powerful drug trafficker in the 1980s and early ’90s. Jairo Ortega, el político paisa que llevó a Pablo Escobar al congreso (Jairo Ortega, the Politician of Antioquia who Brought Pablo Escobar to Congress). obtain political power that would shield his criminal activity.

A larger-than-life figure, Escobar inspired numerous books, movies, and TV projects in the decades after his death.

One of his girlfriends, Virginia Vallejo, went on to become a famous Colombian television personality.,, Los Intentos políticos de Escobar por negociar la guerra (Escobar’s Political Attempts to Negotiate the War), Jairo Ortega, el político paisa que llevó a Pablo Escobar al congreso (Jairo Ortega, the Politician of Antioquia who Brought Pablo Escobar to Congress), Surrender, Escape and Death of Pablo Escobar, Assassination of Minister Rodrigo Lara Bonilla, Assassination of El Espectador Editor in Chief Guillermo Cano. His goal was to obtain a seat in the Chamber of Representatives. Civismo en Marcha was the first movement that Pablo Escobar led, which worked to plant trees and rescue endangered animal species. Los Intentos políticos de Escobar por negociar la guerra (Escobar’s Political Attempts to Negotiate the War) Colombia could not have a drug trafficker making laws. In September 1983, Minister of Justice Rodrigo Lara Bonilla summoned a debate in Colombian Congress to reveal Escobar’s connections to drug trafficking. Beginning in 1975, Pablo started developing his cocaine operation, flying out planes several times, mainly between Colombia and Panama, along smuggling routes into the United States.

With his arrival in congress, Pablo Escobar obtained parliamentary immunity, which protected him from being extradited. He is probably the richest and most successful criminal in world history. The boss of the Medellín Cartel allocated a million-dollar sum to donate homes to more than 600 families who lived by the Moravia landfill and who were victims of a fire in 1982.

Pablo Escobar’s political career started on the streets of Medellín and reached its peak when he obtained a seat in the Chamber of Representatives. Photograph: El Mundo. After obtaining public recognition as a social benefactor, Escobar decided to start his career to reach political power, despite the opposition of a large part of the Medellín Cartel. This move resulted in Escobar’s expulsion from congress, although in his own words, he would say that, “I have decided to definitively retire from politics, because I consider that I can serve the community through my social works without having to participate in politics.” After he was removed from his position and his parliamentary immunity was lifted, he became a fugitive of justice again. Escobar was famous for his extramarital affairs and tended to prefer underage girls. Through his civic works, Escobar gained supporters to enter congress and

In The Accountant's Story, Roberto Escobar discusses how Pablo rose from middle-class simplicity and obscurity to one of the world's wealthiest men. To do this, he restructured the Civismo en Marcha movement and created Renovación Liberal, which adhered to the Popular Alternative (Alternativa Popular) movement of the politician Alberto Santofimio Botero. However, he could never separate himself from his connections to crime and that meant the end of his ambitions. However, on a visit to Medellín on March 4, 1982, its leader expelled him with his clear position of not having nor accepting connections with or involvement in drug trafficking. Some sources say that he was the second richest criminal ever, after Amado Carrillo Fuentes. This ecological project was preceded by providing lighting for hundreds of sports pitches and donating infrastructure to the poor neighborhoods in northeast and northwest Medellín. Colombia could not have a drug trafficker making laws. Escobar wanted to form part of Luis Carlos Galán’s New Liberalism movement.

When he later bought fifteen bigger airplanes, including a Learjetand six helicopters, according to his son, a dear friend of Pablo's died during the landing of an airplane, and the … In 1976, Escobar married 15-year-old Maria Victoria Henao Vellejo, and they would later have two children, Juan Pablo and Manuela. Pablo Escobar believed that with the economic and military power he gained from being the boss of the Medellín Cartel, he would have access to political power to become President of Colombia. Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria (December 1, 1949–December 2, 1993) was a Colombian drug lord.He is known as one of the "World's Greatest Outlaws".Escobar was the hardest cocaine dealer to catch. To support these accusations, the editor-in-chief of El Espectador, Guillermo Cano, published the drug lord’s mugshot from his criminal record in the newspaper.