In order for this to work you WILL need to enable these. You can see how many players are connected to the server including a queue, names of the players and you can add warning messages! // This is an array-object for which users to watch by the bot and announce when they go offline/online.

Please read the README before installing. // only needed for the streaming playing status.

Such as on_ready and on_message. Thanks!

do “npm i” [it will install all dependenies], open “” (double click or do ./ ), Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, 68747470733a2f2f6d656469612e646973636f72646170702e6e65742f6174746163686d656e74732f3432343838363233393431303338383939322f3632353733393239383834363830313933362f756e6b6e6f776e2e706e67, Discord Bot showing how many players online, [RELEASE] Bad-DiscordQueue (A discord role-based queue system) {by Badger}, [Release] FiveM Discord Server Status Bot,, This isn’t made by you…? // default prefix is "?". Go to index.js and put in the required information.

... MEE6 is the best Discord bot to bootstrap and grow your Discord server.

Learn more. Add to Discord.

Minimal set up required! // Example: [add("USERID", "WEBHOOK_URL", "GUILD_ID", {role: "ROLE_ID", enabled: true})] // note: the role is optional.. // Webhooks allow you to mention the role without needing it mentionable in the server settings.

You'll need nodejs v12+ to run this code, due to discord.js-v12 Download the bot or use git clone Once you got that done open either git bash or command prompt in the folder and do npm install and wait until it's finished. Service has operated nominally for the past 20 minutes. The following counter are supported all members, members, bots, channels, roles, emojis, boosts, connected, use s/counter or @ServerStats counter to see more information about the counters.

Arcane also includes advanced auto moderation, super simple to use reaction roles, Youtube notifications, and a variety of other features which can enhance the feel of your discord server. Configure moderation, leveling, Twitch alerts, and much more with the most easy-to-use dashboard!

// Your owner ID, example: owners: ["123456789"], // Your bot's prefix, example: prefix: "?"

Yes you can use your own queue script but make sure you have that the var = Queue Enabled and if people are in the queue you have to make sure it will display Queue Enabled | Count: in the vars. Build the best Discord Server! Create commands that automatically give and remove roles and send messages in the current …

It offers more features than any other Discord bot dedicated to its purpose - delivering high quality music from multiple sources.

You need to run the setup command first, without it the bot won't do much. - Douile

Copy paste the “Discord bot” directory and edit its name to “DiscordBot” and do "cd DiscordBot in cmd or Git Bash (Remove the spacing).

See features.

Easily Create Custom Commands. Talk, chat, hang out, and stay close with your friends and communities. Are we obliged to use the “Queue” you give?

The bot will send a message in a channel as you can see below on the screenshot: Every 2,5s the message will update with the new info (received from the players json). Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. We are aware of the root cause of the issue, and do not expect it to recur. Discord Bots - Spice up your Discord experience with our diverse range of Discord bots

You can see how many players are connected to the server including a queue, names of the players and you can add warning messages!.

Hello everyone, Today I am going to release this server status discord bot! ⚠ You'll need nodejs v12+ to run this code, due to discord.js-v12.

Queue script: Easily Create Custom Commands. Did you set the message id after the first post. Work fast with our official CLI. Yes or you will have to make that the var = Queue Enabled and if people are in the queue you have to make sure it will display Queue Enabled | Count: in the vars. Groovy is the easiest way to play music in your server. - Roque edited the post and copied the id, Windows Only (Might work if you use mind.

This discord bot was made for my old server but it’s offline now so I decided to release the bot since a lot of people were asking for it. . Build the best Discord Server! Yes i set it after the post.

You have permission to release it…? Yes I can but if you read the README I think you could manage to setup the bot yourself, don’t you understand something? Today I am going to release this server status discord bot! Advanced server insights with role rewards and channel counters!

Carl-bot is a fully customizable and modular discord bot featuring reaction roles, automod, logging, custom commands and much more. Carl-bot is a fully customizable and modular discord bot featuring reaction roles, automod, logging, custom commands and much more. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again.

Add to Discord Stable Groovy will always be there to play music for you. GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. Lastly, the @client.event decorator should only be used on functions the bot recognises as events. Use s/setup or @ServerStats setup to run the setup.