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By the mid-1980s, Pablo Escobar had an estimated net worth of $30 billion and cash was so prevalent that Escobar purchased a Learjet for the sole purpose of flying his money.
Wendy Chavarriaga Gil, Escobar’s mistress, became pregnant with his child and was forced to have an abortion procedure. The following year, a prominent newspaper editor was murdered for publishing an article in favour of extradition, and Escobar’s organisation took the credit. Shortly afterwards, in 1982, he was elected as a suplente, or substitute, to the Chamber of Representatives. In an interview last year on Telemundo, she publicly accused Henao – whom she refers to as ‘the nanny’ – of being ashamed to use Escobar’s name, but not too proud to spend the millions he left her. Victoria Eugenia Henao was 12 years old when she first saw Pablo Escobar. Jhon Jairo Velázquez alias 'Popeye' en Palabras Más - Duration: 50:02.
The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. Please change your browser settings to allow Javascript content to run. This earned him the rank of one of Forbes Magazine’s ten wealthiest people in the world. However terror campaigns run by Escobar resulted in the murder of thousands turned the public against him. It later came to light that the drug lord ordered Ms Gil's execution after he believed she had become an informant. Heidi Klums Show Queen of Drags wird fortgesetzt und bekommt eine zweite [...] "Queen of Drags". Despite his coarse manners and his looks – ‘perfectly ordinary, more ugly than beautiful’, she judged – Vallejo was unable to resist his charms.
He was shot while attempting to flee; in an infamous photograph, eight soldiers kneel over his body, grinning like hunters on safari. As Escobar's notoriety grew so did the number of his affairs, with his most prominent remaining his relationship with Wendy Chavarriaga Gil. Escobar was 23 and had a reputation as a ladies’ man: he would drive around on a Vespa wearing a white paisa poncho and cheap hair tonic.
Tenemos 1 artículos con el tag wendy chavarriaga gil.
When she turned to him for a loan so that she could train as a simultaneous translator and ‘do the work I’ve always wanted’, he refused.
He was naturally evasive.
Victoria Eugenia Henao, 58, who met the notorious criminal when she was 12 and he was 23, said despite being raped by the drug lord and forced to get a back-alley abortion, she allowed herself to be moulded by the criminal 'all for love'.
They also wanted something else.
28 Little Russell Street The proceeds from their sale, she says, have funded her life since Escobar’s death. The Queen's cousin the Duke of Gloucester, 76, is moving just a few dozen yards at Kensington Palace - at a... Could turmeric tablets give your pet a new lease of life?
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