Competitive Get Hype! In an unforeseen move, Epic is restricting that for this season and possibly beyond. If you between the ages of 13 - 18 you must have parent consent to enter. Former Team Liquid, More teams debuted and more action ensued on the second day of Play-Ins. Change your language by using these codes: Fortnite: Cloud9 Signs Vivid Amidst Recent North American Talent Grab, LoL: Worlds 2020 | Play-Ins Day Two Recap, Fortnite: Ballatw Will Not Return For This Season’s FNCS Broadcast, Each Elimination: 1 point, capped at 20 elimination points per match, 1st    $3,000 and Champion League Event Eligibility Token, 2nd    $2,700 and Champion League Event Eligibility Token, 3rd    $2,400 and Champion League Event Eligibility Token, 4th    $2,100 and Champion League Event Eligibility Token, 5th    $1,800 and Champion League Event Eligibility Token, 6th    $1,500 and Champion League Event Eligibility Token, 7th    $1,200 and Champion League Event Eligibility Token, 8th    $900 and Champion League Event Eligibility Token, 9th    $750 and Champion League Event Eligibility Token, 10th    $600 and Champion League Event Eligibility Token. Castor’s Contender and Chopper’s Champion Cups are the weekly trio tournaments for Fortnite Season 4.

フォートナイトを初めてそれなりに上手くなってくると、自分がどれくらいキルしているのか。。うまいプレイヤーはどれくらい1試合あたりのキルをしているのか?そんなことが気になってきますよね。, 今回はそんなフォートナイトのせ戦績、成績を見ることができるツール「フォートナイトトラッカー(Fortnite Tracker)」について紹介して行きます。, 自分の戦績だけではなく、他の強いプライヤーの戦績や、大会の順位表なども見ることができるので上手く活用することができれば自分に取ってプラスになっていくと思いますよ!, 早速フォートナイトトラッカーでどんなことができるのか。どのように見ることができるのかを紹介させていただきます。, 上記のリンクを押していただくとフォートナイトトラッカーのページに飛ぶことができます。, 初期ページの検索窓にて「EPIC ID」を検索することでそのプライヤーの戦績を見ることができます。, EPIC IDはフォートナイトを始める時に取るアカウントの名前です。PS4ならPSIDがそのままEPICIDになっていることがおおいです(違う場合もあり)。, そこで検索したプレイヤーのシーズンごとの戦績や、全シーズントータルの戦績、またソロ、デュオ、スクワッドの戦績を見ることができるのです。. Hopeful competitors will need to reach either Contender or Champion division in Arena Mode. Each tournament will occur weekly, where players will compete over three hours in a maximum of ten matches. Fortnite’s official broadcast in Chapter 2 - Season 2 announced that this season would feature the second-ever trio Fortnite Champion Series (FNCS).

Information tracker on Fortnite prize pools, tournaments, teams and player rankings, and earnings of the best Fortnite players. Participants in the Contender Cups will also gain a Champion League Even Eligibility Token should they finish inside their region’s placement threshold. All Rights Reserved. 初心者を抜け出せたプレイヤー 立ち回りを意識しながら、建築バトルに勝ち、有利なポジションでの戦いへ持ち込むのだ。, 【MrSavage】ミスターサベージの設定や感度、デバイスなど紹介【フォートナイト】, FPS値(フレームレート)/Hz(リフレッシュレート)について解説!【Hzリフレッシュレートも解説】, ゲームはPCでするのがおすすめな理由、その訳とは?【Fortnite】【PUBG】, Tfueのプロフィール!設定や感度、またFazeを抜けた原因なども【Fortnite】, 【Aydan】Aydan(エイダン)の設定や感度、ボタン配置を紹介【フォートナイト】, 【PS4】オススメのヘッドセット3選!安い、安価でも足音もしっかり聞こえる【サラウンド対応】. The goal for each competitor is to earn as many points as possible through eliminations and placement. Prizes are NOT transferable to cash or any other currency. Eliminations are worth one point, and competitors cannot earn more than 20 elimination points.

Epic Games dug deep into their pockets for trio tournaments this season. These tournaments, dubbed Wild Wednesdays, will occur every Wednesday with presumably rotating game modes. You must have an Epic Games Fortnite account in order to recieve gifting. Placement points will begin at top-75 and continue progressively until the game ends. $95,767,725.00 from 616 Tournaments. All of BZK Gaming Channels' content is NOT intended to be viewed by people under 13 years of age. Matt continuously analyzes gameplay and plays the games himself to better understand in-game decisions by the best players in the world. Fortnite Live : BZK GamingTwitch: BZKGamingYTTik Tok: bzklife Instagram: bzklife Blast Zone with BZK: WAY RULES: 1. So be sure to finish that grind to Champion Division to compete for some cash prizes. Contender Cup winners take home $3K USD or $1K USD per player.