Alexander Gedat has been at home in the fashion industry for many years. Slightly flared EcoVero V-neck top. Basic jumper with a V-neckline. In contrast, dark bottle green, emerald, lavender, sage, mars red and blackberry stand out in the darker months.

GERRY WEBER is a strong brand for women that want stylish, inspiring fashion. In the mid-1990s, he switched to the fashion industry and joined Fashion Stage Franco Bruc­col­eri GmbH as Head of Con­trolling. # Bekleidung-Ein Bericht zur Gerry Weber Selfie-Aktion der IG Metall auf der Homepage Die Fotoaktion der Beschäftigten bei Gerry Weber lief rasend schnell. The col­lec­tions are aimed at the modern woman that enjoys her life. Con­sult­ant and Managing Director of Dagmar Heuer Con­sult­ing GmbH, Biller­be­ck, Senior Analyst at Whitebox Advisors London LLP, London. GERRY WEBER International AG uses diverse distribution channels to offer its customers a comprehensive, accessible and customised shopping experience. Lust for life, in­tel­li­gence and con­fid­ence - in private and pro­fes­sion­al life - are all char­ac­ter­ist­ics of the GERRY WEBER customer. The GERRY WEBER Group. ), North Rhine-Westphalia. In February 2020 Alexander Gedat was appointed interim CEO of GERRY WEBER In­ter­na­tion­al AG. As Chief Operating Officer (COO), she completes the Managing Board and signs re­spons­ible for the areas Design, Pro­duc­tion, Pro­cure­ment and Marketing at GERRY WEBER.

in Italy to act as assistant to the CEO and later as com­mer­cial manager. No matter if it's at work, in your free time or for a party: At GERRY WEBER, you will find an exclusive selection of tasteful business fashion in addition to feminine casual looks and formal pieces for a confident, stylish presence. A few months earlier, he had been appointed Chairman of the GERRY WEBER Su­per­vis­ory Board.
In 2012 Alexander Gedat was appointed CEO by Marc O’Polo. Angelika Schindler-Obenhaus started her career in the textile industry with an ap­pren­tice­ship as Retail Sales Manager at the Düs­sel­dorf based de­part­ment store group Horten AG.

The business which was established in 1973 as Hatex KG by Udo Hardieck and Gerhard Weber is primarily known for its ladies' collections. Long sleeve top in a mix of …

Exciting, modern and irresistibly feminine – three powerful fashion brands stand for a vivacious lifestyle: GERRY WEBER, TAIFUN and SAMOON. This is complemented by a palette of autumn inspired colors such as sienna, hazelnut, tobacco and honey which provide a gentle contrast to the neutral base colors.

Material mix top with 3/4-length sleeves . Lust for life, in­tel­li­gence and con­fid­ence - in private and pro­fes­sion­al life - are all char­ac­ter­ist­ics of the GERRY WEBER customer.

Alexander Gedat has been at home in the fashion industry for many years. GERRY WEBER; Online-Shop; Company. Over the past four decades, a constant flow of fresh ideas and innovations as well as boundless dynamism and commitment have driven GERRY WEBER's evolution from a manufacturer of ladies' trousers to an international expert for feminine fashion. Portfolio Manager, Robus Capital Man­age­ment Ltd. Director and Advisor at Maltings Place SE1 Limited, London, Nation-wide leading ne­go­ti­at­or for the textiles and clothing sector, Vice Chairman of the Su­per­vis­ory Board.

From 1995 to 2017 he was in­stru­ment­al in the de­vel­op­ment of Marc O’Polo, in various functions: First as Managing Director and board member of all the Marc O’Polo sub­si­di­ar­ies, then as CFO and later CSO. Basic jumper with a V-neckline. GERRY WEBER is a strong brand for women that want stylish, inspiring fashion.

Long sleeve top with a teardrop cut-out. GERRY WEBER; Brands; TAIFUN; TAIFUN Young fashion for women who know what they want.

The col­lec­tion stands out with strong pieces that are grouped together in clear themes. Angelika Schindler-Obenhaus was appointed Member of the Man­age­ment Board of GERRY WEBER In­ter­na­tion­al AG in August 2020. Check is back – from the classical houndstooth to prints on denim.

In February 2020 Alexander Gedat was appointed interim CEO of GERRY WEBER In­ter­na­tion­al AG.
Rules of Procedures for the Supervisory Board. GERRY WEBER ACCESSORIES are sure to impress through on-trend themes that perfectly complete each and every outfit: scarves, ponchos, stoles, beanies, hats, belts, ac­cessor­ies and gloves. GERRY WEBER Casual exudes a light­hearted attitude that underpins in­di­vidu­al looks. the strategic co­ordin­a­tion of Purchas­ing and Sales, as well as the Expansion Man­age­ment of the company.