How dare you! Here's the full transcript of Thunberg's speech, beginning with her response to a question about the message she has for world leaders. I think the least we can do to honour them is to stop destroying that same world that Charles, Léon and their friends and colleagues fought so hard to save for us. ", "You Are Stealing Our Future: Greta Thunberg, 15, Condemns the World's Inaction on Climate Change", "Greta Thunberg full speech at UN Climate Change COP24 Conference", "I want you to panic: 16-year-old issues climate warning at Davos", "Climate activist Thunberg urges EU to double carbon reduction targets", "Swedish teen leads Belgian students on 7th climate march", "Greta Thunberg joins German students for climate protest in Berlin", "Greta Thunberg Calls Out Celebrities To Face Climate Crisis in Powerful Speech", "Forget Brexit and focus on climate change, Greta Thunberg tells EU", Climate icon Greta Thunberg finds that political change is ‘complicated’, "Greta Thunberg and Arnie team up to terminate climate change", "Greta Thunberg Joins Arnold Schwarzenegger & More To Deliver Speeches on Climate", "Greta Thunberg receives Normandy's Freedom Prize, donates prize money to climate groups", "Climate Strike N.Y.C. Ich will Klima-Gerechtigkeit und einen lebenswerten Planeten.“ Seit Greta acht Jahre alt ist, beschäftigt sie sich mit dem Klimaschutz. The speech by Greta Thunberg at COP24 in Katowice. Spread the word!! People are dying. It is characterized by abnormalities in social interactions (as in classic autism) but with normal intelligence and language development. [20] Quoting the most recent IPCC report she said: "If we haven't made the changes required by approximately the year 2030, we will probably set off an irreversible chain reaction beyond human control. Auch wir glauben, dass jeder einzelne Mensch die Kraft in sich trägt Veränderungen zu bewirken. "We are in a global emergency, which affects all of us. She has been noted for her skills as an orator. Zu ihren Großeltern zählen die Schauspieler Olof Thunberg (1925–2020) und Mona Andersson (* 1936). That's a reference to the latest dire report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which says global climate targets could become impossible in just 12 years. Young people were joined by adults for the first time since the strikes began. He and others hope that effort will grow. They held signs that, together, read: "12 years left." [27] US President Donald Trump, who had attended the meeting for 10 minutes and then left, tweeted a video of her opening remarks and commented: "She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. The Greta Thunberg Foundation has announced it will donate 150,000 euros to three charities working in Africa to support people on the frontline of the climate crisis. [3], On 24 November 2018, she spoke at TEDxStockholm. : Young Crowds Demand Action, Welcome Greta Thunberg", "Across the globe, millions join biggest climate protest ever", "If world leaders choose to fail us, my generation will never forgive them | Greta Thunberg", "Transcript: Greta Thunberg's Speech at the U.N.

Thunberg drew laughter when she described how the politicians that she met asked her for selfies and "tell us they really, really admire what we do yet have done nothing to address the climate crisis."[23][24].

Sämtliche Staaten der Erde haben sich in diesem Jahr auf ein Abkommen geeinigt, die globale Erwärmung zu begrenzen, auf möglichst 1,5 Grad. Greta Thunberg has also called on students to join an international school strike on 14 December. "[25] Inspired by Swedish 15 yr old. Greta hat uns allen gezeigt, was möglich ist, wenn wir für unsere Überzeugung einsetzen. Thunberg’s mother was an opera singer, and her father was an actor. Then we will pass a point of no return which will be catastrophic." Die 15-jährige Greta Thunberg aus Schweden mischt die Versammlung der Staats- und Regierungschefs aus aller Welt auf. This is the biggest crisis humanity has ever faced. Ich spreche für die Organisation Climate Justice Now! "Unfortunately, these won’t wait and will simply get worse: fires, destruction of natural treasures, the melting of the icecaps, and species extinction …the list goes on. Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg holds a poster reading "School strike for Climate" as she protests in front of the Swedish Parliament in Stockholm, Sweden, 4 September, 2020. You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And if you choose to fail us, I say: We will never forgive you. Not only because of the unimaginable bravery and sacrifices made by those who gave their lives to defend the freedom and democracy of the world. The Greta Thunberg Foundation has announced it will donate 150,000 euros to three charities working in Africa to support people on the frontline of the climate crisis. ", Daily newsletterReceive essential international news every morning, Keep up to date with international news by downloading the RFI app, French banks financing firms linked to deforestation, France pushes to make advertising a weapon against climate change, French citizens' assembly urges referendum on criminalising 'ecocide', Scorching temperature in California's Death Valley could be new global record, France sends aid to Mauritius to prevent environmental catastrophe, WWF France describes 'agony' of injured whale in the Mediterranean, Innovation wins French beaches, nature sites blue flag environment label, Coal about-face sees biggest emissions drop since 1990, 'Wasted decade' on climate action has made curbing emissions even harder, Arctic drilling lawsuit puts Norway's green credentials to the test, France and Britain battered by Dennis as ‘danger to life’ warning is issued, Protected Amazon 'climate buffer' lands are now emitting carbon, World would be 'economically better off' with 2°C warming, Davos: Thunberg slams climate inaction as Trump rejects 'prophets of doom'. [18] She said the world is facing its "sixth mass extinction" and said: "We have not treated this crisis as a crisis; we see it as another problem that needs to be fixed. The 17-year-old's original school strike in Sweden in 2018 evolved into a worldwide movement with regular demonstrations around the globe, under the banner Fridays for Future with the next round of rallies to be held on 25 and 26 September.