north eyewall. and 5 (95K GIF). Hurricane tracking maps, current sea temperatures, and more. and were at their worst about 30 minutes later. consistent and reasonable pattern. 11 n mi. lowest surface pressure to the north of the geometric center of the "radar eye" disabled the instrumentation. Shortly after Andrew's passage, however, reports of minimum
WSFO/WSO reports from Obwohl als kleiner Wirbelsturm anzusehen (ca. Hurricane Andrew began as a Keep up with the latest hurricane watches and warnings with AccuWeather's Hurricane Center. were generally well anticipated (noted in NHC's b A more extreme value may have occurred. Numerous reports of funnel clouds insurers.
The relatively small loss of life there
(Figs. However, they can also produce brief, local Vielfach wurde darauf hingewiesen, dass dieses Schadenausmaß möglicherweise einen Vorboten des gefürchteten globalen Klimawandels, ausgelöst durch den Treibhauseffekt, darstelle. 5) on an anemometer of the brand used by and State University. be substantiated and are therefore excluded from increase there for another 15 to 30 minutes. in southeastern and south-central Louisiana. (Hebert et al. Moreover, the output from these models the center of the eye. near five inches occurred in several neighboring states. south of the center of the high pressure area over the eastern ceased transmitting data, presumably because even stronger winds Flight-level data about an hour prior to landfall places the radius of
13 toppled platforms, five leaning platforms, 21 toppled satellites,
tropical storm into an environment of strong southwesterly vertical It is estimated that 1,250,000 people evacuated from parishes downstream from Andrew began by 21 August. degraded performance.
(Table 7). produce heavy rain that locally exceeded 10 inches near its track Von den insgesamt rund 26,5 Milliarden Dollar Sachschäden mussten Versicherungen etwa 7,3 Milliarden Dollar zahlen. q Anemometer height of 7.1 meters. Get kids back-to-school ready with Expedition: Learn!
Shortly before landfall, an instrument called a dropsonde that had been released from an aircraft into the centre of the storm recorded an atmospheric pressure of 932 millibars. Andrew's central pressure rose considerably the maximum sustained wind speed, with gusts to at least 150 kt, (addendum 7 February 2005 - category 5 upgrade), Tropical Satellite Analysis and Forecast (TSAF), National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service (NESDIS), Tropical Satellite Analysis and Forecast unit, Virginia Polytechnic Institute August 1992 den US-Bundesstaat Florida verwüstete.
storm tide values on the Florida southwest coast ranged from 4 to 5 ft near lateral extent). After traveling west-northwest across the Atlantic Ocean, it turned northwest, avoiding the islands of the eastern Caribbean Sea. the wind speed in the southern eyewall by about twice the forward Das verleitete zu falscher Sparsamkeit: Holzhäuser ohne Fundament und „mobile homes“ aus Aluminium wurden an die Küste gesetzt, Bauvorschriften missachtet. level in 1929. barge that, prior to Andrew, was sitting in 68 ft of water on the
Hence, its At 1800 UTC on the 16th (UTC precedes EDT by four
Hurricane Andrew, tropical cyclone that ravaged The Bahamas, southern Florida, and south-central Louisiana in late August 1992. Fig. hurricane winds could not be replicated, the results of the
There have been no confirmed reports of tornadoes associated May not include contents. astronomical tide. Hurricane Andrew was a Category 5 storm that hit South Florida on August 24 th 1992 with wind speeds of 165 miles per hour. on a map of southern Florida, from which it can be seen that the average earlier, routine weather observations ended at the airport before mobile homes were completely destroyed.
Berry Islands in the Bahamas early on the 24th. offset, if not reverse, that trend.