Meanwhile, speaking on KET, Senate President Robert Stivers, R-Manchester, said if the election is about policy, Gov. At Doss High School in southwestern Louisville, roughly 2,000 people have voted today, according to poll workers. Russell County is located in southern-central Kentucky and, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, has about 17,821 people in the entire county. By Associated Press , Wire Service Content Nov. 19, 2019 Also in Louisville, Mayor Greg Fischer cast his ballot and encouraged citizens to vote: "No matter who your candidate is, please join us in voting today.". Democrats were celebrating Tuesday night, while President Donald Trump and Republicans were left to explain why they were behind in one of the reddest states in the nation. Kentucky Freedom Fund, a PAC affiliated with the Republican Attorneys General Association, spent the most of any group in the race on television ads, launching attacks on Stumbo's character, calling him a "despicable deadbeat" and referring to him as "Greg SCUMBO.".

"Congratulations to @DanielCameronAG, a phenomenal candidate that ran an incredible race," the post said. Meanwhile, Trump tweeted his congratulations to Cameron on his historical attorney general win. Nickolas is not a cookie-cutter Washington campaign consultant. The race was called for Republican Mark Harmon for state auditor with 49% of precincts reporting. “She announces and all the Democratic presidential candidates — or most of them — endorse her, all the congressional people endorse her, all the big donors endorse her, and all of a sudden, she has $5.5 million and the theory is, well, that scares everybody else out and now we have our nominee.

Republicans' efforts to nationalize the race were boosted late in the campaign by highlighting a fundraising email written for Stumbo by Hillary Clinton, as well as Trump holding a large rally in Lexington on the eve of the election. National observers will likely use Tuesday's outcome as a barometer for the 2020 presidential contest. "Republicans changed it around last time. Also on Tuesday morning, Kentucky Gov. He added that election operations had been going smoothly. Every vote will be counted.". 2019 Primary and General Election Results Primary Election. An Official Website of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Signs were passed out to the crown gathered. Bevin's team dismisses his low approval numbers, and believe voters will reward the governor for taking on thorny issues such as overhauling the public pension system. She said she’s been watching local politics a lot lately and supports “anything that’s gonna benefit the city or anyone that is not gonna represent the city well, I’m coming out to vote against that.”. "There was a problem, but that has been adjusted," said Nore Ghibaudy, a spokesman for the Jefferson County board of elections. Jones had been critical on air of McGrath’s launch. Amy McGrath meets supporters after conceding the election for Kentucky's 6th Congressional District to Republican incumbent Andy Barr in Richmond, Ky. on Nov. 6, 2018. Beshear also was leading in Campbell County with 53% of the vote with about 91% reporting. I mean, he went around to people, Amy McGrath’s campaign man, and bragged that he was the person to do it.”. The Office of the Attorney General has fielded 60 calls regarding election complaints, according to numbers tallied up on its website.

One voter wrote in an email to The Courier Journal that a door is locking at Meyzeek Middle School's polling location. And that’s how it works. Her decision to run was a win for Schumer, who wouldn’t have to expend resources finding a candidate himself and could count on McGrath to tie up McConnell’s money even if she wouldn’t actually be able to pull off a win.

Jones is one of, that celebrated her ability to overcome gender discrimination in order to become a fighter pilot and included no policy positions. © 2020 But Bevin has not conceded the race, citing unspecified "irregularities" and telling supporters he "wanted the process to be followed" under law before conceding. ", ‪Theresa Hinton, 68, voted at Bloom Elementary around 6:30 a.m. with a key issue in mind: civility.‬, ‪"I just want to see more civil action," Hinton said. “I hope I’m surprised and the turnout is larger than what they’re expecting. If you wanted to catch up on any of the live updates from Tuesday, then feel free to keep reading. McGrath’s stumbles created an opening for a competitive Democratic primary, and a number of contenders, including Jones, began floating the possibility of challenging her for the nomination. In July, Jones was pulled from the air temporarily, a move that the station said came after a complaint from one of the Senate campaigns. How many covert wars, miscarriages of justice, and dystopian technologies would remain hidden if our reporters weren’t on the beat? Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes told The Courier Journal Wednesday morning that her office had called the race for Beshear.