[7] Bis Ende 2017 wurden acht weitere Medienclubs ausgestrahlt, darunter der als verunglückt bezeichnete[8] mit Alice Schwarzer zum Thema Medien und Flüchtlinge: Zwischen «Verbrüderung» und «Fremdenhass». [27] The game is available as freeware with an optional pay what you want model. Monika.chr, known better as simply Monika (in Japanese: モニカ) is the main antagonist of the 2017 visual novel Doki Doki Literature Club!. Doki Doki Literature Club! While the game appears at first glance to be a lighthearted dating simulator, it is in fact a metafictional psychological horror game that extensively breaks the fourth wall.

is a 2017 American freeware visual novel developed by Team Salvato for Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux. Der Club (bis 2005 offiziell, heute noch umgangssprachlich Zischtigsclub; mit dem schweizerdeutschen Ausdruck «Zischtig» für Dienstag) ist eine Diskussionssendung von Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen. Monika reveals that she is a self-aware video game character who has the ability to manipulate and delete other character files, which she used to alter the behavior of her club-mates in an unsuccessful bid to make them unlikable and prevent their confessions of love to the protagonist. Doki Doki Literature Club! Vorgesehen sind vier bis sechs Sendungen jährlich. [19] The game's characters were based around standard anime archetypes and were given Japanese names to emphasize a pseudo-Japanese atmosphere characteristic of Western-produced visual novels. https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Club_(Fernsehsendung)&oldid=184158971, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. [17][18] Salvato was inspired to create a visual novel by his "love-hate relationship" with anime, and emphasized the abundant use of clichés in the genre and the frequent plots centering around "cute girls doing cute things", which he saw as both an asset and a detriment to the viewer's enjoyment. Monika initially lashes out at the player, but ultimately forgives them and remorsefully repents by restoring the game and the characters excluding herself. [3][4][5] At certain points, the player will be prompted to make decisions that determine the course of subsequent events. The story follows a male high school student who joins the school's literature club and interacts with its four female members. Der Medienclub sollte in unregelmässiger Folge ausgestrahlt werden, moderiert von Mona Vetsch oder Karin Frei mit sechs Gästen.

[7], A more positive ending occurs if the player has viewed all of the optional scenes in a single playthrough, which requires saving and loading at several points before witnessing Sayori's initial suicide.

Er wurde als Moderator im April 2014 nach einer kontroversen Sendung entlassen. Paying US$10 or more unlocks a bonus "Fan Pack" that includes desktop and mobile wallpapers, the game's official soundtrack, and a digital concept art booklet. [8], The protagonist is invited by his cheerful childhood sweetheart, Sayori, to join their high school's literature club as a remedy for his insular nature. Monika appears and apologizes to the protagonist for the "boring" weekend he had spent, and begins a display of compensation by deleting Yuri and Natsuki's character files from the game and sending the player back to the main menu.[7]. [28] The game's soundtrack was released on two compact discs respectively consisting of 15 and 10 tracks. According to Salvato, the inspiration for the game came from his mixed feelings toward anime and a fascination for surreal and unsettling experiences. While the game appears at … Leben. He is around Sayori or Monika's height. [13] Sayori instead expresses her gratitude to the player for emotionally supporting all the club members, tearfully bids farewell and assures the player that all the club members love them before deleting the game herself.