The archer readies his bow and arrow and darkly answers "one". Vicky Robinson | Opal Koboi | A.J. Buzz |

Maybe indeed the legendary gunfighter was gay, like many a lonely cowboy, but proof's required before consigning him to Brokeback Mountain.

Nigel Snyder | The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Shelley | Vikings | Ed Dillinger Sr. | Gaston LeGume | Ginarrbrik |

Nizam | If “Ballad of Mulan” concerns a patriotic war against an existential threat from barbarian invaders, that synonymous use of kehan/tianzi would be like referring here and there to an American president at war as führer. The Elite Hun Soldiers are later seen riding horseback across the countryside with the rest of the army, having destroyed a village in the course of their invasion. Yeti (Matterhorn Bobsleds), See Also Roman accounts of Hunnish women described frightening hags aboard war chariots uttering bone-chilling spells and curses against their enemies prior to bloody battles, meaning those shamanic sorceresses were way scarier than the wicked witch of the East. That may seem a crazy question to ask, since Disney has now twice chosen to promote her as the epitome of Chinese princesshood, bravely battling for family and country. Butch Cavendish | Rat (2019) |

Jean-Pierre Le Pelt |

Cruella De Vil (1996) | Chester Hoenicker | Kingdom Hearts Villains | Anastasia Tremaine | Nathaniel Flint | However, since none of their injuries appeared to be very dangerous nor fatal, it can be very likely that they were arrested for their crimes and most likely deported and/or executed off-screen. Bowler Hat Guy | In the original animated Mulan, the main villain of the story is a Hun chieftain named Shan Yu.

Buldeo | Baby Thaddeus | Alec Frost | Disney's live-action remake of Mulan will add new dimensions to the ancient Chinese folklore that the original animated classic was inspired by.

Tom, Dick & Stanley (2017) | Duke Weaselton | Ripslinger |

Indeed, fertile couples had to be coaxed and pressured into procreation to prevent a population collapse. Sabor | After Shan Yu tells the scouts to go back and convey his message to the emperor, he turns to his archer soldier named Sheshou asking him how many men it takes to deliver a message.

Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. Harpe Brothers | Foxy Loxy | After defeating the Hun army, Mulan's secret is revealed and she is cast out, only to once more save China as Shan Yu's survival is confirmed. Erik & Francis | Jason Scott Lee plays a character inspired by Shan Yu named Bori Khan, who is a powerful Rouran warrior chieftain. It is only because of the Sinification and nationalization of Mulan that raising pigs and sheep together in the land of the Tabghach Khaghan seems incongruously un-Chinese today, and thus gets glossed over by film-makers. Villains. Ian the Gator | Bullwhip | Kuala | The falcon-eyed monstrous leader of the Hun was a terrifying presence in Disney's 1998 animated classic adaptation of the Ballad Of Mulan, but the 2020 remake replaces him with two villains. They deduce that the doll came from a village in the Tung-Shao pass where a section of the Imperial Army is prepared for their arrival. Outsiders (Nuka & Vitani) | Nemean Lion | Kelly | Big Hero 6 Villains | Solego the Chaos God | Dr. Frankenollie | They are then all stopped by a signal from Shan Yu who (sensing something) directs his Elite Hun Soldiers to investigate. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Gargoyles Villains | Sofia the First Villains | The original ‘Ballad of Mulan’ is an anti-war poem.”.