This is Papa's way of showing the Smurfs the virtue of kindness even unto those that don't deserve it.

It also seems that Grandpa didn't tell any Smurf about Nanny Smurf's imprisonment in Castle Captor before she was rescued in "Lost Smurf". Papa Schlumpf. Papa_Schlumpf_D streams live on Twitch! Papa Schlumpf's national animal is the Yellow Tit, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its national religion is the Belief in Mother Earth and Smurfism.

He then follows them to Smurfy Grove and becomes enamored of Smurfwillow after being handily subdued by her, though he doesn't care for her addressing him as "Papa Thing.". It's located in Sachsen, Germany. Average income is 55,556 Schlumpf Marks, and distributed extremely evenly, with practically no difference between the richest and poorest citizens. Very Smurfy Non-canon warning: Non-canonical information ends here. Nevertheless, he learned a valuable lesson that a person is only as old as they think they are, and the best way to stay young is to appreciate and enjoy what one has in their lives. 98 likes. As nothing develops from either of these moments, nor do they affect the series as a whole, it is safe to assume they have a father/daughter relationship otherwise. As it turns out, Papa Smurf has made Grouchy's hat specifically for gliding. Posts % 100. By the end, he happily no longer wears it, as it was turned into a trophy in honor of playing the main role in rescuing a group of Smurfs (whom ironically got captured trying to retrieve his "stolen" hat in the forest) from Gargamel. He does not get a major role in the game, but visiting him is the only way to purchase solar amulets. We respect a laser-like focus on one topic. He is often seen carrying Baby around, reading to him, and occasionally acting silly to entertain the infant (usually when Smurfs like Brainy aren't watching). In the cartoon series, his eyebrows are black, while in the comics and movies, his eyebrows are white. Seinen ersten Auftritt hatte er in der ursprünglichen Comic-Geschichte "Die Schlümpfe und die Zauberflöte", in der er …

", Hey kommt ins Schlumpfland und lasst uns fröhlich. Both fortunately and unfortunately for Papa, the Smurfs never seem to catch on to his hatred of the hat. Im Wald war es ganz still und leis, da lief etwas Blaues und die Mütze war Weiß. Anqryonhz erpugf 1,5z ibz Jrt arora irefgrpxgre Jhemry pn. Papa Smurf as he appears in the comic books. Papa_Schlumpf_GER streams live on Twitch! As Papa tries to spare every Smurf's feelings unless it's necessary, he has the tendency to keep something secret if he feels that addressing it would extremely upset or distress any of them. This note will not be visible to the public when your geocache is published. Uh oh! However, he does at times take issue with Lazy's slothfulness, Jokey's mischievous behavior, Brainy's endless talking, and Clumsy's klutziness, among other things his little Smurfs do which try his patience.

Hey kommt ins Schlumpfland und lasst uns fröhlich sein.". The human friend Papa is closest to is Homnibus, as he often visits the enchanter's home, usually to play a game of chess or checkers or deliver a magic-related item to him. Apparently, so did Nanny Smurf when she went out into the forest to find more yarn (though, Papa and her acted as if they had never met before in "Lost Smurf"). League of Legends. A blog by papasmurfmodding 1 entry; 8 comments; 1578 views; Recent Entries.

He gives out quests for the player to complete.

Papa Smerf Papa Schlumpf (original französischer Name Grand Schtroumpf) ist eine der Hauptfiguren in der Schlümpfe Comic-Serie und der Schlümpfe Zeichentrickserie. We respect a laser-like focus on one topic. Despite this, Papa does occasionally allow the Smurfs or himself to teach villains a rather mean (or dangerous) lesson after causing trouble. Through the Smurf of Christmas Present, Grouchy sees that Papa Smurf has personally handcrafted every Smurf's new hat as a Christmas present, with his hope that Grouchy would be able to accept the one he has made for him despite his hate for getting the same Christmas present every year instead of a hang glider. Brainy's constant struggle with improvement and recklessness also poses a big issue, leading Papa to admit he'd briefly been considering getting a new apprentice in "The Gingerbread Smurfs": Their relationship becomes even more strained by the end of the series (most notably the ninth season), with Papa Smurf often openly expressing any frustration he feels toward Brainy instead of trying to approach it with a patient or gentle attitude. In the episode "Born Rotten", Papa mentions, in wonder of a mysterious egg, that he has had "a long experience as an egg-lover and bird-watcher". Smurfette and the other Smurfs rescued Papa Smurf from captivity, and Clumsy Smurf ended up defying what the vision foretold Papa Smurf by catching the dragon wand, blasting Gargamel with it and sending him flying into a pile of garbage bags. Hallo ich bin Papa Schlumpf.

Meine Neugier war geweckt und ich fand Ihr Dörfchen im Wald versteckt.

95 likes. Groundspeak, Inc. While the other Smurfs were mostly annoying and unhelpful with Patrick's line of work, Papa Smurf helps him find confidence in himself as a father and a husband.

He is referred to as "The Great Smurf" in some non-English translations of the Smurf comic books. Papa Schlumpf.