Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies, 1 (1). 2005). However, from a deportability perspective, practices that break isolation, reverse public invisibility, and (to a lesser extent) reduce private visibility go beyond a narrow understanding of success: Rendering deportations, persons in a state of deportability, and anti-deportation protests visible, can be a powerful means of contentious politics when changes in the (political) opportunity structures make it more difficult to prevent the enforcement of deportations., das Nachrichtenportal der Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung und ihrer Regionalausgaben, bietet Ihnen Nachrichten, We argue that taking the analytical insights of deportability into consideration when analyzing anti-deportation protests may be revealing.
In S. Rosenberger, V. Stern, & N. Merhaut (Eds.). Bruno, an activist with secure residence status and the only German native speaker present, was asked to give the interview. Lotte, Solidarität: #OShältzusammen | As one of the activists described: “the idea was that the person [supposed to be deported] stays in the back area of the protest and is ready for the departure […]” (ibid.). In diesem Jahr wurde sogar der Osnabrücker DJ Michael Gesdorf mit ins Boot geholt. cookies to improve your experience and customise advertising.
Not affiliated See all. […] I think I have a 60 to 70% chance that I may stay, thus 30% that I cannot stay.
(Interview D5_6). Hagen, Amir no longer felt secure in his own home, as he feared that the authorities could deport him at anytime and anywhere. from $96/night. No Lager activist Bruno remembered that, “even […] the Catholic Church [representatives] […] bluntly said: ‘Dublin needs to stop!’” (Interview D5_1). Originally coined by McAdam et al.
In the interview with the close friends Linda and Wazir, Linda made clear that she was very surprised when and how Wazir announced his upcoming deportation to the No Lager group: What I found so impressive was that you came to the Plenum and said yourself that you had received a deportation date.
Studien Verlag Innsbruck. Surfing & Windsurfing. What also makes the case of Osnabrück interesting is that; unlike in other deportation protests, the main aim was not to prevent the deportation of one or several well-known and particularly “deserving” persons. Die Lager sind voll. The new government coalition of the Social Democrats and the Green Party introduced several changes concerning the accommodation of asylum seekers and deportation procedures. In S. Rosenberger, V. Stern, & N. Merhaut (Eds.). The project explores protest against the deportation of rejected asylum seekers in Austria, Switzerland and Germany. ): Protest in Bewegung. However, members of the Alliance have met several times to discuss the changing legal and political context and to think of anti-deportation strategies in the absence of deportation announcements. To explore how these collective protests – which brought together a wide range of participants with and without secure residence status – … And I think, that’s the strength” (Interview D5_2). In contrast, the local Immigration Authority reacted to the protests by exerting more pressure on the designated deportees to cooperate in the deportation enforcement, which will be discussed in more detail below.
Later, as requested, the deportee moves outside where the participants are assembled in front of the accommodation; when asked it is the participants who identify themselves as the designated deportee, at which time the officers leave. Seither bietet dieser Tag nicht nur allen Grund zur Freude, sondern auch Anlass zum Feiern. Lohne, Rampendahl Hausbrauerei. Rosenberger and Winkler 2014, 181), the protests did not rely on deservingness frames. Häberlen, J. C., & Spinney, R. A. In sum, the project significantly contributed knowledge on deportation protests, overcoming limitations to a nation or time specific context of previous research. (Interview D5_6).
The collective actions against deportations in Osnabrück can only be understood within the context of the change of government in Lower Saxony in 2013. 32 reviews. 02.09.2020, 15:06 Uhr Uni Osnabrück untersucht Corona-Proteste: Narzissten, Machiavellisten, Sozialdarwinisten: Wer ist anfällig für Verschwörungstheorien? Gastgeber: EPOS – Emanzipatorische Politik Osnabrück „Die AfD Osnabrück möchte am 10.06 eine Kundgebung in Osnabrück am Ledenhof abhalten. Portalweite Schnellsuche.
Nordhümmling, However, given that the social position assigned by legal status decisively influences the scope of possible action, we distinguish between activists with and activists without secure residence status. Geschäftsbedingungen | Kundeninformationen | Datenschutzhinweise | Impressum | Kontakt | Mediadaten | Onlinewerbung. Whereas the gatherings in front of the accommodation centers are frequently called ‘blockades’ by activists, media and others, some of our interviewees insisted that ‘blockade’ was not an adequate way to describe the collective “breakfasts” and also made them more vulnerable to attempts at designating their actions illegal (Interview D5_1).