"submission_please_check_checkbox" : "Please check Submission Guidelines checkbox. Weimaranern är en jakthund från Tyskland. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Visit our Puppy Names page for 1000s of top dog names. Liksom övriga kontintentala stående hundar är den allround, och ska klara både spårarbete med apport av hårvilt, som vattenapportering. Great! These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The Weimaraner, also known as Weimaraner Vorstehhund and “Silver ghost” is a large, all-purpose gun dog. These long-haired versions are considerably more rare and will need more extensive grooming (and potentially even professional grooming) to stay clean, healthy and tidy. } If you are considering getting a Weimaraner, it is crucial that you understand how your dog will behave and react to various circumstances. This page has the information of all the dogs breed available in this world. Weimaraner dogs are bold, yet friendly. Regular veterinary checkups as well as blood, eye and hip tests are recommended. Copyright © 2000-2020 by Michele Welton. For example [my story] would show as my story on the Web page containing your story. A bored Weimaraner will bark up a storm, demolish your home and yard, even attempt to escape in search of adventure. The dogs are excitable, hyperactive, and obstinate. Wenn Kinder mit im Haushalt wohnen, müssen diese lernen, den Hund zu respektieren, wenn er seine Ruhe haben will. Er kann hierbei auch eine gewisse Schärfe entwickeln. Weimaraners were built to pursue prey in a variety of settings, both on land and in the water. Es kann dabei an verschiedenen Stellen, beispielsweise an der Brust, etwas länger erscheinen.
But when it comes to strange dogs, because of the hunting instinct, they can be aggressive towards strange dogs. The practice originated as a preventative measure to stave off tail injuries on a hunt: a dog’s tail could become bent or broken in pursuit or entanglement with prey.
Without proper training, he may try to run the household or become pack leader of the household. ", Durchschnittlich erreichen Weimaraner ein Alter von 10 bis 12 Jahren. You can wrap a word in square brackets to make it appear bold. "submission_title_no_html" : "Your submission title may not contain html. Sie zeichnen sich aber auch durch ihr ruhiges Wesen sowie im Besonderen durch Fügsamkeit und Anhänglichkeit aus. Click here to see the rest of the form and complete your submission. "submission_no_title" : "Your submission must have a title. The temperaments of Weimaraner is intelligent, energetic and agile. + Get a coupon for 30% off a future order. Stubborn and energetic in turns, a Weimaraner is not a “set and forget” type of dog – he requires interaction and attention to maintain an even keel and display his breed’s best traits. A dog of this breed can easily get bored, so plan to keep them busy or they will put his own plan into action, like noshing on rugs and walls. They also tend to be cautious of strangers, and that can make them great watch dogs. "submission_name_no_html" : "Your name may not contain html. Bei dieser Rasse ist eine konsequente und fachmännische Erziehung wesentlich.
Also, if you want a canine pet but confused which pet to chose, then this page is for you. He will bark enthusiastically at any perceived intruders, and will also happily chase small game, particularly as a young adult dog. Über die Vorfahren des Weimaraners ist generell wenig bekannt. This Weimaraner temperament is perfect for people who are highly active, such as joggers or hunters. Weimaraner Temperament The breed’s regal gray coat is a stark contrast to the dog’s rambunctious temperament.