People say: look, the Chinese students are planting trees, while the foreigners just speak empty words. But these incidents were local protests targeting a specific project feared to harm resident's health.

Schwerter, Äxte und ganze Pferde: Archäologen finden immer mehr Gräber von Wikingerinnen mit Waffen.

Yet when millions of young people around the world took to the streets to demand action from their governments on climate change, nothing of the like happened in China.

But these aren't the characteristics that interest Howey.

Eine kleine Geschichte über großen Erfolg. Vårt budskap är tydligt, vi kräver en framtid.
Fearing for consequences, she did not appear at the government gates again. SEPTEMBER 25 – GLOBAL DAY OF CLIMATE ACTION. Vor sieben Jahren zog unser Autor mit seiner Familie von München nach Kalifornien.


But she had no consideration for the rhododendrons, anemones and bougainvilleas the shopkeepers had lined up along the market aisles. Sie erlebten unbeschwerte Jahre, dann wuchsen Angst, Wut und Verbitterung im Land. "Fridays for Future are being ridiculed and cursed a lot on the Chinese internet," she said.

“Not only is China today the world’s largest producer of solar panels, wind turbines, batteries and electric vehicles, but it has also been the top investor in clean energy for nine out of the last ten years, according to the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.”

Howey was taken into a police station and was lectured to about why her protest was illegal.

Like Thunberg, Howey is 16 years old; she became aware of environmental issues one year ago when she came across an issue of the American magazine National Geographic in the local library.
Fridays For Future är en global rörelse som startades av Greta Thunberg, som den 20 augusti 2018 ensam satte sig utanför riksdagshuset i Stockholm, i protest och för att lyfta miljöfrågan inför valet samma höst. (20.09.2019), The activist group organized global sit-ins and boycotts on Monday to force radical action on climate change. Vi kräver att politikerna tar sitt ansvar, och stoppar den miljöförstöring de har blundat för under de senaste 40 åren.

Wenn schon die Wiesn ausfällt, bleibt einem nur die Flucht auf die Berge.

"When I saw that not one student in China had participated, I became very disappointed," she said, adding that she decided to be the first Chinese youth to go on climate strike.

Read more: After China's import ban, where to with the world's waste? Read more: Cities key to tackling climate crisis – global climate group. (28.03.2019), Germany is only responsible for around 2% of the world's carbon emissions. Tumblr

China ist einer der größten Klimasünder der Welt, aber von "Fridays for Future" hat in dem Land noch kaum jemand gehört - doch Ou Hongyi kämpft für das Klima. "Fridays for Future": Weltweiter Protest vor dem Klimagipfel, 29.11.2019 Thunberg vor UN: "Wie könnt ihr nur weiter wegschauen! Über den ganz normalen Wahnsinn einer weltberühmten Klinik. The world live a Climate Emergency and we needs to unite to solve this crisis.

But her decision to skip classes left them deeply worried. (07.10.2019), © 2020 Deutsche Welle | China is the world's biggest emitter of greenhouse gases.

But she said she also felt she could not give up on the issue. Howey Ou did not see any Chinese students in the Fridays for Future movement, so she became China's first climate striker.

In a society that highly values academic success, they feel she is trading her future for activism. Doch die war ein riesiger Betrug - und von der "Kryptoqueen" fehlt jede Spur.