There are Pagan communities in Lebanon.[9].
The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Citadel Press Books, Kensington Publishing Corp., New York, New York, 2006, pp. These groups are particularly influenced by Jewish feminism, focusing on the goddess cults of the Israelites. Does one need to undergo a ritual before beginning worship?

The notion of historical Israelite or Jewish polytheism has been popularized in the 1960s by Raphael Patai in The Hebrew Goddess, focusing on the cult of female goddesses such as the cult of Asherah in the Temple of Solomon. As the title states, I'm new to paganism in general. After thousands of Icelandic citizens failed to be given their tax money back the religion has lost many of its members and is now the fastest shrinking religion in Iceland. The rebirth of the ancient polytheistic practices of the Levant or Canaan, including Phoenicia and the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, the Canaanite religions, has antecedents in the Palestinian Jewish cultural movement of Canaanism of the 1930s. Greetings, all! Hi, so a few weeks ago I had a dream of astarte for the first time in which she mentioned her name and many epithets that she had me chant. The name Kotharat either means wise ones, or skilled ones.

Zuism was founded Ólafur Helgi Þorgrímsson who was convicted and sentenced to prison for money laundering and has since distanced himself from the religion. 18–19.

Haaretz, 2009. The rebirth of the ancient polytheistic practices of the Levant or Canaan, including Phoenicia and the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, the Canaanite religions, has antecedents in the Palestinian Jewish cultural movement of Canaanism of the 1930s. To date there are no individuals who profess to practice Zuism as a religion. share. [2], Elie Sheva, according to her own testimony an "elected leader of AmHA" reportedly founded an American branch of the group, known as the Primitive Hebrew Assembly.
The Hamsa is a symbol of Levantine Neopaganism (Natib Qadish). Interview with Elie in Being a Pagan: Druids, Wiccans, and Witches Today, by Ellen Evert Hopman and Lawrence Bond (2001), p. 105.

Witchvox article on Jewish Pagan organizations, Witchcraft today: an encyclopedia of Wiccan and neopagan traditions By James R. Lewis - pg.162, Covenant of the Goddess (Official website), In a meditation she mentioned that she is the goddess of wisdom, law and revealing. High Effort. This was put an end to when the Ágústsson brothers regained control. "When Witches Blend Torah and Tarot" reprinted in The Jewish Journal (July 21, 2008) Winkler, Rabbi Gershon (January 10, 2003). [citation needed], During the growth of Neopaganism in the United States throughout the 1970s, a number of minor Canaanite or Israelite oriented groups emerged. Semitic pagan] 6 months ago. A little background information if it may be useful: I'm Pakistani, and a former Muslim. The term Zuism is often confused with Sumerian Paganism. Semitic neopagan movements have also been reported in Israel and in Lebanon.

[6], Elie Sheva, according to her own testimony an "elected leader of AmHA" reportedly founded an American branch of the group, known as "Primitive Hebrew Assembly". In another dream, she allowed for some introspection involving my personal life and relationship with my ex.

Greetings, all! New to Paganism. The gods of pre-Islamic Arabia fascinate me in particular, and I have several questions regarding this path.