Times Internet Limited. Bullock broke an all-time quarterly fundraising record for Senate races in Montana, bringing in $7.7 million in 2020's second quarter compared to $4.8 million for Daines. Democrat Jon Tester has represented Montana's other US Senate seat since 2007. A poll conducted by The New York Times and Siena College from September 14-16 found Daines leading Bullock by just one point, 45% to 44%, among likely voters, with Daines' lead within the margin of error.
Times Syndication Service. Sen Steve Daines in Montana, Republican Roger Marshall and Democrat Barbara Boiler vie for an open US Senate seat in Kansas, What you need to know about the US Senate election in Iowa, What you need to know about the special election for US Senate in Georgia, would receive a vote on the floor of the Senate, he would name a replacement "without delay. And now, the US Senate is gearing up for a high-stakes confirmation battle to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who died at age 87 from pancreatic cancer on September 18. The 2018 United States Senate election in Montana was held on November 6, 2018, to elect a member of the United States Senate to represent the State of Montana, concurrently with other elections to the United States Senate, elections to the United States House of Representatives, and various state and local elections.
Bullock, an outgoing two-term governor and former Montana attorney general, announced he would run for US Senate after a short-lived 2020 presidential run. In 2020, we are not only energy independent, but we are also terrorist independent. In 2001, the terrorists came from overseas. For years, Montana has been reliably Republican at the presidential level, but has elected several Democrats statewide. The candidates: Bullock, an outgoing two-term governor and former Montana attorney general, announced he would run for US Senate after a short-lived 2020 presidential run. Bullock has posted eye-popping fundraising numbers and is quickly gaining ground against Daines. There are several other key races in Montana bringing national attention to the state, including the open governor's race between GOP Rep. Greg Gianforte and Lieutenant Governor Mike Cooney, and the open US House race between Democrat Kathleen Williams and Republican State Auditor Matt Rosendale. And in Montana's cheap media markets, a little goes a long way. He was first elected to the governor's office in 2012 as Sen. Mitt Romney won the state by over 13 points and was re-elected in 2016 as President Donald Trump carried the state by over 20 points. Ginsburg's death threw a stick of dynamite into an already supercharged election shaped by a deadly pandemic that has so far claimed over 200,000 American lives, and a national reckoning around race after several high-profile deaths of Black Americans in encounters with police. Democratic Governor Steve Bullock is challenging incumbent Republican Sen. Steve Daines in a highly competitive race in Montana. Within hours of her death, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky pledged that Trump's nominee for the high court would receive a vote on the floor of the Senate, and Trump said the day after that he would name a replacement "without delay.". According to FiveThirtyEight's US Senate forecast, Daines has a 68% chance of defeating Bullock in November. RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - Montana Senate - Daines vs. Bullock. He serves on the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committees, and has focused resources on protecting public lands — an important bipartisan issue in the state — and delivering resources to Montana's Native American communities. Daines is expected to receive 52% of the popular vote, just 4% more than Bullock.