[55], The indoor festival Hamburg Metal Dayz takes place at the same time as the Reeperbahn-Festival and is considered a get-together for the scene. For the tournament's 15th anniversary in 2016, a band was featured and took part for the first time: Serum 114 formed a team with several fans and were able to win the tournament. In 2011, a rioting fan was overwhelmed by security guards in the village and died of, In 2012, a 22-year-old festival visitor went to sleep near a. Ban history for flyinguwe87. [79] The film shows the festival from the filmmakers’ (subjective) point of view and comments on the events in the style of New Journalism. Bis Flying Uwe der Kragen geplatzt ist.
These include ambulances and radios for communication in particular. The organisers regularly call for blood donations with the whole festival team. ", "Coronavirus: Wacken heavy metal festival called off due to outbreak", "WACKEN OPEN AIR 2021 – FIRST LINEUP ANNOUNCEMENT INCLUDES JUDAS PRIEST, AS I LAY DYING, VENOM, AND MORE", "Anwohner besänftigt: Wacken darf weiter rocken", "Wacken Open Air 2017: Bier-Pipeline liefert 10.000 Liter pro Stunde", "Mehr Sound und neue Namen – die Bühnen im Infield! Y offers the possibility to rent entire caravans, tents or to get a power supply for your own caravan. 2,200 trucks with equipment are needed for the entire festival. Damit ist aber nun Schluss. From these suggestions, the best ideas were to be put up to a vote in a survey. The aforementioned projects are almost identical in content; they invite visitors, organisers, and the citizens of Wacken to comment on the festival and generally present it in a positive way. The price for the festival ticket was 220 Euros, but there was no fee for early arrival campers, who often set up their elaborately designed accommodations before the festival begins – partly to get the best spots near the festival grounds. Aber schon eine richtig fiese Nummer was hier abgezogen wird. Wacken Radio has its own container on the festival grounds every year, where it reports live. According to the organisers, 2018 saw visitors from more than 80 nations attending the festival. Both the concert and the services were completely overcrowded by festival visitors. Web Developer ( PHP, CSS, HTML, Jquery, MYSQL) & SEO Fan. In addition, all toilets and showers were free in 2017. The tickets for 2010, too, sold out months in advance.[17]. Lass uns das Internet ein Stück besser zu gestalten. After Wacken 2016, visitors were encouraged to suggest new names. During the same year, Thomas Jensen's mother died and Holger Hübner had a serious accident – the year went down in Wacken history as the "year of the plague". [39], The campsite is equipped with showers, flushing toilets, portable toilets, drinking fountains, small supermarkets, food stalls, and information boards, and is continuously patrolled by the police, fire brigade, and security services. In earlier years, winners of the competition were offered a record deal, whereas nowadays, the five best bands receive cash or material prices.[49]. ", "Infos zum Vorverkauf für das W:O:A 2017", "Wacken, Nature One und Co. – Vodafone rüstet sein Netz für den Festivalsommer", "Wacken-Fans machen sich auf den Heimweg", "Wacken 2011: 95.000 Fans rockten am weltweit größten Heavy Metal Festival", "Heavy-Metal-Treffen: Polizei schnappt drei Diebesbanden in Wacken", "Todesfall bei Musik-Festival in Wacken: Metal-Fan leblos aufgefunden", "Böller-Explosion in Wacken – Feuerwehrmann: "Es war alles ganz anders, "16-Jähriger beim Wacken Open Air verletzt", "Carl Zeiss Jena läuft mit Wacken auf der Brust auf", "Wacken: Metal-Fans lassen sich anzapfen", "Wacken und die DKMS – Laut und erfolgreich", "Full Metal Cruise: Heavy Metal auf hoher See", "Hamburg Metal Dayz – gepflegter Krach in der Markthalle", "METAL HAMMER präsentiert: W:O:A Roadshow 2014", "WWN 2018 Festival ABC und Pläne verfügbar! At the same time, 700,000 Euros worth of drains were installed in front of the stages in order to improve the drainage of water masses during heavy rains. [4], In subsequent years, too, most of the tasks were carried out by the small team. Engizek und der griechische Herausforderer Leonardo Sinis brachten am Freitag bei der offiziellen Waage beide 76,8 Kilogramm auf die Waage und blieben damit innerhalb des Gewichtslimits für ihren morgigen Titelkampf bei GMC 23 in Oberhausen (ab 17:30 Uhr live auf ranFIGHTING.de).