Friday, March 18, 2016 at 4:00 PM UTC+01.

Information for announcements in the newsletter: We look forward to tenders for jobs, education and training, or events (but note: we do not announce individual productions - please use ) per mail. Please note the following content and formal guidelines: Content:

In addition, you can make use of your right of objection at any time without stating any reasons and modify or revoke the given declaration of consent with effect for the future - unsubscribe from receiving the e-mail newsletter (for example by e-mail to ) or via the link provided in each e-mail newsletter.

This was developed jointly by artists from the "Wiener Perspektive" and the freie theater in an open, two-year process. mit Bezug für die freie Szene. 103 likes. Links to further informations - email, homepage, Format: The e-mail newsletter is published weekly, usually on Thursdays, and provides information on cultural policies, current tenders, job offers, workshops, festivals and events in the performing area. Schubert Theater Wien - Währingerstraße 46, 1090 Vienna, Austria - Rated 4.7 based on 15 Reviews "special"

IG Theater Tanz Performance Kärnten Koroška. clock. Das Kosmos macht feministisch Theater.

Application deadline and salary above the text.

You hereby allow the Austrian Association of Independent Performing Arts (IGFT) to send you information (newsletter) via e-mail.

Events: You are always entitled to request information from IGFT about your personal data and to request the correction, deletion and blocking of your personal data. Kind of Employment

SUMMEN für Personal werden in BLATT D auf die nächste 10er Stelle aufgerundet, da die Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien empfiehlt mit runden Zahlen einzureichen. We ask for feedback and comments on the tool, as we are constantly developing it further and would like to include your practical experience. Please no bullet point Due to lack of space, we can not announce individual productions (plays / performances ect.) No pictures 14 were here. Klagenfurter Ensemble. Vorstand / Team / Bundeslandsprecher*innen, European Association of Independent Performing Arts.

¬ Als Vorstellungsentgelt wird empfohlen: Für die ersten 2 Vorstellungen mind. Keine Dezimalstellen in den Summen bei Blatt D. Attention: This calculation model does NOT replace the calculation form of the City of Vienna - cultural department! € 350, ab der 3. Mission Statement; Vorstand / Team / Bundeslandsprecher*innen; Membership; European Association of Independent Performing Arts; Annual reports; Service IG Freie Theater Würzburg.

Please send information for the newsletter to . The e-mail newsletter is published weekly, usually on Thursdays, and provides information on cultural policies, current tenders, job offers, workshops, festivals and events in the performing area.

Die ig freie theater kümmert sich um die freien Theater-, Tanz- und Performanceschaffenden Österreichs. Interessenvertretung und Netzwerk von Theater-, Tanz- und Performanceschaffenden PROFESSIONAL FEE - MINIMAL LIMIT: The Austrian Association of Independent Theatre recommends, for project funding for performing arts at the city of Vienna to calculate a minimal professional fee limit (to avoid social dumping) from the submission date 15.2.2020. The recommendation lies actually onn € 165 gross-gross per day and for 8 hours of rehearsal- or working-time. The personal data (e-mail address) is used solely for the purpose of the newsletter (e-mail). No formatting - f.e.

Each e-mail newsletter is published on our homepage and remains published there until the expiration of the relevance to dates or content. We ask for your understanding that each call will only appear once in the newsletter the information remains accessible via our homepage for those interested.

1. Interested. Deadline: Thursdays 10:00 am.

However, we recommend enclosing the completed service calculation model with the application from the City of Vienna / Cultural Department, as this tool contains important budgetary information for the theater jury. The Austrian Association of Independent Theatres is offering a Service-Calculationmodel which consists of 5 sheets: Info / Filling-in-help / Personnel hired / Personnel self-employed / Revenue-expenditure overview.

Vorstellung min. in the newsletter.

You can find our privacy policy here: privacy policy.

It should apply to all those involved in the artistic teams and to both self-employed and employed. Die IG Freie Theater Würzburg ist ein Zusammenschluß von folgenden Bühnen: Theater Chambinzky,, TheaterWerkstatt, Theater Ensemble, Theater am … 505 likes. For legal reasons, we can only tender jobs that include a salary statement.

Hosted by IG Theater Tanz Performance Kärnten Koroška. 3.2K likes. 2. It should be used in productions of the performing arts that are funded by public funds (the City of Vienna).

tabstopps Thank you!

The e-mail newsletter is free of charge and not linked to an IGFT membership, with a brief e-mail to you can sign up for the e-mail newsletter.