By using this site you agree to the following Terms of Use. It’s because of these two well-known women that we can thank for the name option Demi, but to-date Demi Moore did “moore” to popularize the name than Demi Lavato has yet to accomplish as a famous name bearer. Absolutely gorgeous IMO. :) Demi a beautiful and chic name. Not surprisingly, the name Demi soared onto the charts at an impressive first time position of #656. hij heeft een leuke betekenis en het is kort maar krachtig, dat Demi in het frans half is en in het Grieks aardige goddin, Ik heet zelf demi, en iedereen vindt mij een mooie naam hebben, eigelijk alles maarhet leukst For 10 years (1999-2008) Demi fell off everyone’s radar and off the American naming charts. Demi is a nickname for Demetria. Demi appeared in the US as a baby name thanks to a single celebrity, actress Demi Moore, who put it on the Top 1000 throughout the 1990s. To rate names on Nameberry, please register for an account or log in to an existing account. Demi Moore, actress. Demeter comes from the Greek elements “de” (δε) meaning “earth” and “meter” (μητηρ) meaning “mother” which is an appropriate etymology for the Greek goddess of agriculture. Meanings and history of the name Demi. Name Guru to the Stars: Baby Names for Nicki Minaj and more! In 2018 Demi was the 372 nd most popular girls name, representing 0.0546% of girl births in the U.S..

Copyright © 2020 Oh Baby Names. Twenty-Twos are courageous leaders, innovative thinkers, extremely wise and highly organized. It may also be a pet form of Demetria or Demetrius, … Demeter (or Ceres as she’s known in Roman mythology) mainly ruled over Greek’s staple food production: corn. Your email address will not be published. This name is mostly being used as a girls name. Without informing Demeter, Zeus gave their daughter to Hades (god of the underworld). The references to The Master Builder and "large undertakings" serve to underscore the massive potential of this personality. Register to Attend for Free. Demi appeared in the US as a baby name thanks to a single celebrity, actress Demi Moore, who put it on the Top 1000 throughout the 1990s. Dimitira, Demi may be that unusual name that's launched by a celebrity and then maintains its visibility all by itself. She must be a major factor in the name continuing to be chosen. Demi is name that's been used by parents who are considering unisex or non-gendered baby names--baby names that can be used for any gender. It means that this name is commonly used. In namenBOEKstaat Demi als jongensnaam... internet maakt het anders... ouderwets boek is dus mannelijk, zoon van godin. Demi Name Meaning. Master Numbers carry with them a great sense of responsibility, so it can be a burden. Demeter is not a common name, but Demetria and Demi are used from time to time. As a consequence of Persephone eating the seeds, she must return to the Underworld for four months of the year. How popular is the name Demi? Noem het maar op!

Please add to or correct the information provided by other members of the Nameberry community. dat je het op meer manieren kan schrijven en dat het een aarde godin betekend, en dat het een Franse naam is en eigelijk ook half betkend, dat er best veel zo heette maar dat is ook weer niet zo heel erg, De bijnamen :D ik wordt vaak deem demo deems dede deemdeem of noem maar op genoemd haha :) ik hou best van mijn naam het is voor jong en oud het is ook leuk dat het niet een hele bekende naam is maar toch hoor je het wel haha :).
I rather like Demi as a nickname for Demelza. Persoonlijk vind ik Meaghan mooier. Ik heet voluit Demi Meaghan. We're excited that you have an opinion about the name Demi. The name stuck around on the charts for eight respectable years before new Hollywood ingénues made us all forget about Demi Moore. If you like how Demi sounds, you might also like these names that sound like Demi. POPULARITY RANKING. alléén door mensen met de naam Demi. Dus eigenlijk is het gewoon geen probleem. Short girl names continue to be popular with parents. We have to say, though, Demetria sounds prettier and Demi is best kept as a nickname. Demetra, Practically Perfect ‘P’ Baby Names For Your Precious New Addition, Chic Greek Baby Names Fit for Your Little God or Goddess, Influenza Musk Isn’t Real But These Bizarre Celebrity Baby Names Are, 85 Celebrity Baby Girl Names Worth Adding to Your List, Introducing SK Conversations! Pick the best unique username for Demi or try writing your name with fancy symbols.

Kort maar krachtig.

Celebrities Love Short Names, and So Do We. If you didn't find an alternative name that you like better than Demi, try our name generator.

De betekenis is `zon van de Godin van de oogst` De naam Demi wordt het vaakst gegeven aan Nederlandse meisjes. (2000 U.S. CENSUS) Demi was first listed in 1990 and reached its apex position of #395 in the U.S. in 2018. Further, this personality exhibits traits of the Twos, which brings sensitivity, spirituality and harmony, so their endeavors are likely to benefit mankind in some capacity. You will receive an email (no more than once per day) summarizing any new mentions of Demi on Nameberry. Demi is een Franse naam voor jongens en meisjes. Parents using it are probably not aware of the Greek goddess Demeter. Demi Lovato is definitely Demetria. Create good names for games, profiles, brands or social networks. Whether you love her or hate her. Find inspiration in these baby girl name lists featuring the name Demi. Since 1910 Demi has been the 1,471 st most popular girls name, representing 0.0051% of … van onderstaande Demi. Komt niet veel voor én het wordt niet heel vaak verkeerd geschreven, Kort, leuke naam en makkelijk te onthouden. All fields are required *, Infographic of Demi name meaning, which is half.

It's popular in Europe, too, especially in The Netherlands. Last year it ranked 395th in the U.S. Social Security Administration list of most popular baby girl names.