Long-time fans know how much his "Star Wars" action figures mean to him, and it was just beautiful seeing him adapt his passion into something that will have more meaning for Jack. Jack doesn’t know his choice yet. But then in a surprise, we find that he is legally blind, with an adorable pup by his side. © Copyright 2020 Meredith Corporation. They’re enjoying their time together, but then Kirby calls a passing horse-drawn carriage lame and Rebecca is reminded of Jack. And then we flash-forward to the time period where Rebecca is an old woman (probably) dying in bed. And Randall put in the puzzle piece, which Kev had picked for him when Kev’s anxiety over choosing the exact right object rendered him incapable of choosing any object at all. He’s doing just fine. Got a story or a tip for us? In This Is Us fashion, the action hurtles forward: We watch them grow more comfortable with one another; he proposes to her (successfully!

Lizzy quickly grabs her things and bolts. When he gave that platitude to Kate and Kevin earlier, we wanted to reach through our screen and slap the pride right off of him. KEVIN FINDS OUT | While in the general store, Kate gets multiple voicemails from Madison. Earlier in the episode, he hinted about his musical aspirations; the last glimpse we get is him walking onto a stage before a huge, multi-tiered crowd, going crazy for him as he’s introduced.

In a flash-forward, we see the house being built and an older Kevin arriving at the cabin to check on his ailing mother (yep, just like in the season three finale). That anger is fueled by love, and there's nothing more powerful. Randall, Beth, and the kids have moved to Philadelphia; Kevin, whose arc flatlined a bit after last season’s Vietnam saga, is spending more time with Miguel and Rebecca, who have officially relocated to L.A.; and while Baby Jack is continuing to improve, Kate and Toby are still weathering difficulties as they wade through various medical problems. Randall’s clearly never gotten over losing Jack. Even after sleeping with Madison, Kevin is in a stronger place than he's been since this show began, and Kate proved last week that she's ready to stand on her own, if need be, with the strength only a mother can fully understand. He knows it’s silly; they barely scraped together enough to buy the current cabin and its land.

Poor Randall to have been living with this idea in his head for so long.
“It’s crazy … how just like that, a stranger can become a big part of your story,” Rebecca tells Jack. S 1 E 14. type. As we do every week, we're going to single out the show's most powerful moments, scoring them by how many tissues we tore through just to watch them. Randall says Kevin’s only just started spending time with her while Randall’s been taking care of her alone for 20 years. Still, the fallout from this whole situation is not as fraught as I thought it might be, so yay?

She asks him to pick another cup, because Jack was the only person who’d ever used the mug in question. Playing into the obvious set-up, Kirby and Rebecca again flirt. Rebecca invites Kirby to join her at the Met.

This Is Us recap: Jack Pearson is haunted in a season-best episode.

When the boys find Rebecca, she’s staring at a painting of a woman in a black dress. This could be normal memory loss or it could be the sign of something worse.

This is a testament to how much he loves her, as it is his love for her that carried him through this scary idea of saying alone with Jack.
Kate and Kev tell Randall they’re worried about him. As he walks away, Sophie calls him!