[9] In 1040, Heinrich III became the first king of Germany to visit Münster. 3 (Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer GmbH. Very few people today recall, for instance, that Thodosius, the Roman emperor who was called “the Great,” made it possible for the Nicene Creed to survive by killing thirty thousand Arian Christians in one single night in a Roman amphitheater. See also Kupisch, Kirchengeschichte, 1974 ed., vol. Under such circumstances Christianity was declared as an instrument of worldly power and rulership.20. With this we have a sacred obligation to shed forth a new light, a new understanding, and to show through our lives the fruit of the Spirit, that our hearts and minds will not be stirred up to defensiveness as we are offended or abused, as we are threatened or called “devilish,” for we know from whence such torment comes. plan in the Messiah is to sum up everything in heaven and earth. The other day I was watching a news broadcast on a local TV channel, and I witnessed a minister of one of the Protestant faiths making a blunt statement that Mormons cannot be considered as Christians. Service toward the emperor was considered service toward God. [21]:54, Number of largest foreigner groups in Münster by nationality:[29], The city is considered[by whom?] Herrmann, Ketzer, p. 66. Time will not permit talking about the many wars caused by religion—with millions of people losing their lives. Their presence was gradually reduced, yet there are still many active military bases. 7. [34] It states that in 2007, vehicle traffic (36.4%) fell below traffic by bicycle (37.6%),[35] even though it is unclear how such a figure is defined. They went so far as to require all citizens to be naked as preparation for the Second Coming.

It was also for several decades a garrison town for the British forces stationed in West Germany. While motorised vehicles are banned, there are paths for pedestrians. 26. Guenter Brakelmann, Kirche in Konflikten ihrer Zeit, 1981 ed.

With these powers from above it is our role to learn to love every one of our Heavenly Father’s children and not, in turn, to label as “devilish” someone who is different, but to learn to be concerned only about the influence the adversary can have in our own lives. [20][verification needed], Münster's urban area of 302.91 square kilometres (116.95 sq mi) is distributed into 57.54 square kilometres (22.22 sq mi) covered with buildings while 0.99 km2 (0.38 sq mi) are used for maintenance and 25.73 km2 (9.93 sq mi) for traffic areas, 156.61 km2 (60.47 sq mi) for agriculture and recreation, 8.91 km2 (3.44 sq mi) are covered by water, 56.69 km2 (21.89 sq mi) is forested and 6.23 km2 (2.41 sq mi) is used otherwise. I want to draw your attention to the fact that today’s historians know, for instance, that the early disciples of Christ were of the opinion that Christ would return very soon, and they therefore omitted writing down in detail any reports for a period of one generation. off to share the life of heaven. God intends A massive propaganda, reinforced from early childhood and

This is my testimony, and I leave it with you in the name of Jesus Christ.

Then there were the followers of a man called Peter Waldo who lived in Lyons, France, who believed that a priest of the Lord should be righteous and have high standards of morality.14 In the fourteenth century in Germany there originated the Begins and the Begards, who believed that a man can become perfect when he strives to receive the gifts of the Spirit.15 Also originating in the same fourteenth century in Germany were the Salpeterer, who asked for a separation of worldly and church power.16. 3, p. 132. Karl Kupisch, Kirchengeschichte, 1978 ed., vol. Both are inseparably connected and interwoven, and as we dare to look back and study the facts about the development of the Christian churches and nations over a period of nearly two thousand years, we understand that the wonderful message of Christ as it is found in Luke 2:14, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men,” has never been fulfilled. Münster is situated on the river Aa, approximately 15 kilometres (9 miles) south of its confluence with the Ems in the so-called Westphalian Bight, a landscape studded with dispersed settlements and farms - the "Münsterland".