From September 2017 to February 2020, Behgjet Pacolli served as Vice Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of the Republic of Kosovo with great commitment. In December 2019, Minister Behgjet Pacolli was received in a private audience by Pope Francis. In Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, the Mabetex group built the award-winning project for the town house. Poker is an extremely popular game both in the traditional scenario and on the web. It was two years later that the whole story repeated itself when the Italian citizen, Gabrielle Torsello was kidnapped in Afghanistan. The game of poker is very popular among people as it helps to sharpen the logical and strategic skills of an individual and also improves the judging instincts of a person which allows him to read people better. He is the major shareholder of Mabetex Group, a Swiss-based construction and civil-engineering company. Mit dem Ziel, Kunden völlig auszuleuchten. Pacolli - 30-12-05", "Businessman lobbies Libya to recognise Kosovo", "Behgjet Pacolli elected as new President of the Republic of Kosovo", "President Behgjet Pacolli concluded many official activities in Albania", "President Behgjet Pacolli meets the Deputy Prime Minister of Macedonia Vasko Naumovski", "The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi takes the decision to appoint Mr. Behgjet Pacolli as First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo - Vesti - Republika Kosovo - Kancelarija Premijera", "The Republic of Benin is the 80th state to recognize Kosovo's independence", "Deputy Prime Minister Pacolli meets Ugandan President Museveni - News - The Republic of Kosovo - The Office of the Prime Minister",, "BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Briton in Afghan kidnap dispute", "TORSELLO: ANCHE PACOLLI NELLE TRATTATIVE PER LIBERAZIONE", "Biography - President of the Republic of Kosovo - Hashim Thaçi", "Fituesit e Vitit 2016/ Ilir Meta, Behgjet Pacolli, Armand Shkullaku, Ylli Rakipi", "Fondacioni "Behgjet Pacolli" me donacion për spitalin e Gjilanit – Fondacioni Behgjet Pacolli", "Shtretër edhe për Spitalin e Gjakovës nga Fondacioni "Behgjet Pacolli" – Fondacioni Behgjet Pacolli", "Fondacioni "Behgjet Pacolli" me donacion për spitalin e Pejës – Fondacioni Behgjet Pacolli", "Interrogato Bejet Pacolli sul rapimento di Torsello", "Renovation of the building of Parliament of Kosovo", "Fakulteti Filozofik – Fondacioni Behgjet Pacolli", "Shërime brenda dhe jashtë vendit – Fondacioni Behgjet Pacolli", "Behgjet Pacolli i jep 1 milion euro për të prekurit nga tërmeti në Shqipëri", Received a copy of the key of the city of Tirana, "Ministri i jashtëm i Kosovës, Pacolli, tek Papa në Vatikan", "Nga Sfida në Sfidë - Liber nga Behgjet Pacolli", "Të lobosh për Kosovën - Liber nga Behgjet Pacolli", Behdjet Pacolli on the New Kosovo Alliance website,, Articles with dead external links from October 2019, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles containing Albanian-language text, Articles containing Serbo-Croatian-language text, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Main sponsor of the Aleksandër Moisiu Foundation, Founder of the Foundation and Orphanages “Bambimi Di Sakha”, 1993 – Founder and sponsor of the hospital for the shelter and care of abandoned children born with physical disabilities in Sakha, 1999 – In cooperation with the Foundation “Insieme per la pace” and Ms. Fanfani, intervenes massively in offering aid in Kukës, Ivangrad, for the refugees expelled from Kosovo, 1999 – Foundation for Rebuilding Kosovo (FORK), Prishtina, Support to Kosovo hospitals with pharmaceuticals, 2004 – Founder of the foundation South East European Development (SEED).