(Hg. ‘The basis of trust and friendship that we’ve built up allows us to bypass that without people’s feelings getting hurt’, adds Rowley. Barbara Schmitz Intrigued by what Bastard Assigments were doing, in April 2019 I attended one of their rehearsals in a studio space in East London, to interview the group and get an idea of their working methods.

Since 2013, and led by two of those students, Edward Henderson and Timothy Cape, it has been at the forefront of London’s lively DIY new music scene (which also includes groups and concert series such as Nonclassical, Music We’d Like to Hear, Weisslich, An Assembly and the London Contemporary Music Festival), putting on concerts in derelict or off-grid spaces. Rowley’s fierce vocal solo dot drip line 8918: EDGE confronts its audience with a vast catalogue of sounds and physical gestures made at the limits of the voice. NZG Jahr 2020 Seite EuGH, 16.07.2020 - C-311/18: Übermittlung personenbezogener Daten von Facebook Ireland in die USA – Schrems II NZG Jahr 2020 Seite 1080. Literatur-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaften, Sozial-, Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Onlinezugang zum digitalen Zusatzmaterial. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! In an interview with the journalist Robert Barry in 2017, Henderson observed that ‘the most direct thing is just if someone gets up and does something themselves. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. NZG Jahr 2020 Seite BGH, 18.02.2020 - KZR 6/17: Nichtigkeit einer Kündigung bei verbotener Abstimmung - Einspeiseentgelt II NZG Jahr 2020 Seite 1080  (Hg.). more. Quartal 2019 bei 70.811 Exemplaren. 2020. Lis Møller

 (Hg.). Of the four, Henderson is the closest to a ‘traditional’ composer, writing scores for conventional instruments even if, as in the case of his Flower – a slow-motion instrumental and electronic disintegration of a moment from David Bowie’s ‘Let’s Dance’ – that might simply be the instruction to play in a certain style or for a certain duration.

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I am near to obsessed with this composer as it is and I can only bless myself with silence that she is making such extraordinary and careful music.