According to Similar Web, users from the United States account for 20.62% of the total Twitch viewership. Until then, it used to be a part of ... Click on the arrows next to Average Viewers to bring up a drop-down menu and you can choose to display other statistics you are interested in learning about. For people who are addicted to gaming, they want to stream their games and also see what other gamers are doing.

This can be used to support a gamer in Twitch affiliate or partnership programs.

Gamers can stream their live gameplay to Twitch users and also make the video available for people to view later.

Twitch statistics from SimilarWeb, dating from December 2018, show that the US is by far the biggest Twitch market, accounting for over one-fifth of desktop web traffic. This was the biggest game premiere of the year 2017 and Twitch attracted 436 thousand concurrent viewers.

One of the main ways to fuel addiction to an activity is to reinforce the habit, i.e.

It also shows a massive increase in the usage of the platform in just a single year. One of the greatest gaming revolutions is live streaming.

According to Twitch statistics for 2017, the live streaming service has increased its viewership figures.

In April, 2020, the metrics were as follows: These were the average Twitch user stats from April, 2020 according to SullyGnome: During the month, the following happened: According to GlobalWebIndex in Q2 2019, 65% of Twitch users are male and 35% are female. (Source: Twitch Tracker) In 2017, Twitch users watched 355 billion minutes of live streams and recorded videos.

Bit Sales – Bits are Twitch’s platform currency. More than 245,000 viewers Simultaneously watched a Single Channel. The Channel Analytics page provides a comprehensive look at your stream’s revenue, viewer and engagement statistics over customizable date ranges. Since the live streaming video platform started donations in 2012, it has raised over $75 million through its streamers and other users.

Twitch has over 27,000 partners on its platform. For a service that is focused mostly on gaming, this is an impressive achievement. 41% said that they would bypass a channel with no camera.

And, to understand every moment of Twitch — every fall, every win, every ridiculous play — is to understand the emotes, those instantaneous reactions in the right sidebar. Twitch statistics point out Destiny 2 as one of the top games on the platform.

Twitch is the top-watched streaming platform for gamers. Amazon bought Twitch on August 25, 2014, for $970 million which makes sense now as it is included in the Amazon Prime membership. Twitch statistics show that there have been 153 million whispers sent since the feature launched in 2015. This could coincide with when some users leave work or are otherwise free to indulge their gaming habits. There are requirements for the partnership program and these include a large following and a minimum number of videos to be posted weekly. We produce quality tutorials and innovative, detailed guides that cover all aspects of the industry. Twitch is an American company. With guided setup, built-in integration to Twitch, and plenty of customization options, Twitch Studio makes it easier than ever to get started and manage your Twitch channel. The average channels, which have broadcasted in the last 7 days have been almost 45 thousand. The only surprise that maybe here is that there are 45% of users outside that age group. This number includes both gamers who stream their gameplay and enthusiasts who go to watch other people play. was founded in 2011 by Justin Kan and Emmett Shear as a separate service.

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