#aspiepower. But I perceive some common threads here. 10.6m Followers, 985 Following, 606 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Greta Thunberg (@gretathunberg) This is something that is true of many of the “geniuses” to which she is compared, by the way. Like climate activist Greta Thunberg (17), Naomi Seibt is a teenager from Europe, with long blond hair and an articulated opinion about the climate. Thus, a high IQ 4 year-old will obviously be less “intelligent” than an average IQ 40-year-old. Also, the effect of humans, although many scientific studies say something else. Dieses Video ist schon vom März 2019, doch aktueller den je . Warte erst mal ab…und negative Befürchtungen bringen schon mal GARNICHTS…. Of course autistic individuals are as different from each other as anyone else. Dafür verantwortlich sind auch Aussagen des Landesbeauftragten für Datenschutz in Baden-Württemberg, Stefan Brink. Trage deine Daten unten ein oder klicke ein Icon um dich einzuloggen: Du kommentierst mit Deinem WordPress.com-Konto. Update vom 11. Schiffmann: Corona 143… – Das ZDF ist bei Bodo…na, mal sehen, was DIE daraus machen…‍♀️‍♀️, Die Marionetten fallen, das »BRD« Ende ist nah…‼, Der totale Gesundheitsstaat: Bill Gates, das Virus und die Neue Weltordnung…‼, Post von Müller – Tages-Korrektur vom 25.09.2020 (Video-Livestream), Dr. A right-wing British MP dismissed her as the “Justin Bieber of ecology.” An Australian blogger named Andrew Bolt took a veiled swipe at her mental health by describing her as “deeply disturbed.”. August: Greta Thunberg hat für ihren Auftritt mit mehreren vermummten Personen im Hambacher Forst nun auch Kritik aus der deutschen Politik erhalten. Lies die Posts von Müller und/oder schau seine Videos an, dann verstehst Du, warum diese Politik-Schauspieler JETZT total durchdrehen…!!!. In other words, “Reduce Whites to Serfdom Now.” It’s nuts, and not surprisingly its pin-up girl is, well, odd. Seibt is called a climate denier, but prefers the term “climate realistic”. With her sudden fame and influence, Thunberg has also become a target for right-wing abuse — which is probably a sign that climate deniers and their allies are scared of her. After all, the German Naomi Seibt (19) proclaims the opposite of her Swedish counterpart against all shared scientific insights, and she gets a lot of resonance. (See his Watermelons: How Environmentalist Are Killing the Planet, Destroying the Economy and Stealing Your Children’s Future). There are no politics to change that. As autism expert Tony Attwood puts it, people on the spectrum are "renowned for being direct, speaking their mind and being honest and determined and having a strong sense of social justice.".

In one of her first statements when she arrived she had a similar message for Donald Trump, admonishing him to “listen to the science“. Like climate activist Greta Thunberg (17), Naomi Seibt is a teenager from Europe, with long blond hair and an articulated opinion about the climate.

Greta Thunberg, a sixteen-year-old girl from Stockholm, is the inspiration for these school-skipping SJWs. This is not least because we reach our intelligence peak—the highest we ever score on intelligence tests—at around the age of 35, after which a slow cognitive decline sets in, partly because we literally become “slower”. Mehr als 400 Aktivisten nahmen teil –  und die Emotionen kochten offenbar hoch. Update vom 13.
Lied-Text des WDR-Kinderchors, sowie das Video gibt es hier. Pleased to see there are still real thinking young people out there.

. Das Ziel: Das weltweit größte soziale Netzwerk für Klimaaktion.“ Ob „We don‘t have time“ vor allen Dingen ideelle oder finanzielle Ziele verfolgt, sei dahingestellt. The eldest of two daughters of actor Svante Thunberg  and opera singer Malena Ernman, Greta rose to national fame in the run-up to the recent Swedish parliamentary election. We are right now at the beginning of a climate and ecological crisis. Greta Thunberg hat oft den Unterricht geschwänzt.